A bent engine valve can be a problem that can give you a headache. How bad is a bent engine valve? What are the signs of a bent engine valve? Since custom-made engine valves are a vital part of the engine, these problems must be fixed as soon as possible. Even on older engines with many miles, bent valves are not normal. Most of the time, valve seals or burned valves are the problem. A bad fuel mix or an engine that hasn’t been running right for a long time is often to blame for these problems.

Here are the 6 Symptoms of a Bent Engine Valve :

1. Excessive Oil Consumption

To work right, custom-made engine valves need to be oiled. With the help of the valve seal, oil moves up and down the valve’s stem as it moves. But the valve seal keeps the oil from getting into the cylinder.

2. Engine Backfires

An exhaust valve that is bent changes how the fumes leave the cylinder. To ensure the right amount of pressure, the exhaust valves must open and close at exact times. If an exhaust valve is bent, it might end up in the wrong place. It can also not close well when it’s closed. This problem makes the exhaust leak, which changes how the fuel burns.

3. Check Engine Light

Modern cars check all of the engine’s sensors in real-time to ensure it is running at its best. The check engine light will come on if something is wrong with any of the sensors or if any parameters are out of range.

4. Low Compression

When the engine is running, the cylinder builds up pressure, which is called compression. When custom-made engine valves are bent, the compression is often out of balance. When this pressure is too low, the combustion process is messed up, and the fuel does not burn. The bent engine valve causes low compression because it no longer closes tightly. This makes the seal between the cylinder head and the valve bad. When air or exhaust leaks out, the compression is thrown off. This causes a lack of power and other problems with how the car runs.

If you do a compression test and find that the pressure is low, you should check your engine valves to ensure they are not leaking.

5. Shaking Engine

People know that custom-made engine valves can change how well the engine runs. If something like a broken timing belt breaks a valve, the motor may start to shake because it will not fire properly. This might happen more often when idling or driving at slower speeds. Depending on the broken valve’s bad, you might be able to drive for a short time. However, if the valves were broken, the engine could stop running.

6. Lack of Power

When cylinder liner are bent, the engine usually loses power. Most of the time, these energy problems are caused by a broken valve that lowers the pressure in the cylinder. If the valve does not close properly or sit where it should, the combustion mixture will probably be off.


In addition, the engine may run too hard to make up for the problems caused by the bent valve, which can cause power problems. It needs to be fixed no matter what because the problem will only worsen over time.